Prevent Food Waste

Sell Your Surplus Sell your unsold food in 'Surprise Bags' which are sold at 25-50% of their contents' original retail value. You unlock revenue from unsold food and welcome customers into your store, customers save money, and together we help save the planet.
Chefs preparing vegetables
Engage Your Kitchen Staff Ensure that your kitchen staff is up to date on the changes that you are making to reduce food waste and watch out for opportunities to refresh food prep practices to save every scrap.
Men in produce warehouse
Measure Your Food Waste Take “snapshots” of your businesses food waste production with food waste audits.

Explore Food Waste Tracking Technologies

LeanPath, Phood, and Winnow are three organizations which provide technology that captures weights and food types of food loss before it goes to the trash to help you lift the curtain on food waste reduction.

EPA Food Recovery Challenge

Join the national effort to reduce food waste and track your food waste reduction over time with the US Environmental Protection Agency’s Food Recovery Challenge.

Manufacturer and Wholesaler, and Distributor’s Data Driven Food Loss Reduction Guide

This free e-book by food waste reduction organization, Spoiler Alert, is designed to help food distributors, retailers, and manufacturers use data to identify food loss in their operations and maximize return on investment for food waste prevention efforts.

Plan Zero Waste Events

Using SWACO’s Zero Waste Event Guide, learn what steps you can take to make school events and gatherings Zero-Waste.

Donate Surplus Food

Franklin County Public Health logo
Dept. of Public Health Guidance Guidance from the Franklin County and City of Columbus Departments of Public Health of food donation.
Donation Liability Fact Sheet Businesses and nonprofits that donate or distribute donated food or grocery products
are well-protected by laws designed to provide immunity from liability related to food donations. This fact sheet translates the "legalese".
Chef Tom Colicchio Explains Liability Protections Chef Tom Colicchio Explains Liability Protections for Food Donors
Tax Deductions for Food Donation Nashville Food Waste Initiative’s provides guidance on calculating your deduction.

Find a Donation Partner


Some food scraps are unavoidable- like lemon rinds and avocado pits- but those items can still be valuable sources of nutrients either for feeding animals or for composting. Learn more and get started today.

Man in truck
Connect with Local Haulers Local businesses provide hauling services to collect and process your food scraps into compost. Scroll down to see the local business partners who can help you start a program.
Engage Your Team with Compost Learn what steps you need to take to ensure your program’s success by engaging you team on what to compost, updating your waste hauling contract, and more. This guide from Chittenden County provides helpful step by step instructions to help you get started.
Bin of food scraps
Learn about On-Site Composting and DIY Options Click on the “Find On-Site Composting Options” button below to learn more about on-site composting models and technology to consider for your business.

Hear Another Food Business’s Compost Story

Eataly, a grocery retailer, partnered with the National Restaurant Association to share their experience of setting up a compost program in their store. Watch their story to learn from their experience.

On-site Composting Options

US Composting Council Equipment Guide: This overview presentation provides an introduction to some of the steps and consideration to keep in mind when starting an on-site composting program and outlines a variety of technology options.

Vancouver On-site Composting Guide: This guide from Metro Vancouver compares several options for on-site composting systems to help you find a model that fits your operations and your price point.

Big Hanna Composter: An on-site composting option for large generators of food waste. Learn more and find out if the Big Hanna is right for you.
Connect With Local Organics Haulers
Specialized Guides & Additional Resources

Find Resources Designed Specially for your Business

Franklin County Food Business Resource Portal

Use these free resources designed specially for Franklin County food businesses to Plan, Launch, and Grow your food business. Find local partners and resources to start growing your business today.

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