Wasted Food = Wasted Resources

The Amount of Wasted Food in Central Ohio is Equivalent to Wasting:

Bottle of water
41 billion gallons of water By wasting food, each Central Ohio resident wastes 30 gallons
of water a year.
Gas pump
22 million gallons of gas Over 22 million gallons of gas are used every year to transport food that Central Ohioans throw away - enough to fuel 44,000 vehicles for a year.
Corn stalk
160,000 acres of land Each person in Central Ohio requires an area of land larger than a basketball court to grow the food that they throw away each year.
Wallet with money
400 Million Dollars Every year, the average family of four wastes $2,000 on food that is purchased but never eaten.
Plate of food
187 million meals For every Franklin County resident, 145 potential meals are landfilled each year.
Trash bag
337 million pounds of food For every Franklin County resident, there are 260 pounds of food waste landfilled every year.
Did you know? The Central Ohio Food Waste Initiative’s Food Waste reduction hierarchy builds on the hierarchy created by US EPA.

Approach How Do We Reduce Food Waste?

Food waste reduction is about more than just composting food scraps. Reducing food waste includes preventing food waste from the start, rescuing food before it becomes waste to feed our community, and improving soil and animal health by composting food scraps or using it to feed livestock. By working toward food waste solutions that are higher on the hierarchy, we can conserve more money, environmental resources, and meals.

Take Action
The Quiz

Test Your Food Waste Knowledge

Think you know food waste? Test your knowledge with the Save More Than Food Quiz and learn how you can make a difference.

Did you know? For every Franklin County resident, there are 260 pounds of food waste landfilled every year.

Central Ohio Food Waste Initiative Food Waste Action Plan

The Central Ohio Food Waste Initiative is a collaboration of businesses, nonprofits, and government agencies within Franklin County who represent the food, farm, education, health sectors who are all working towards a single common goal: the elimination of wasted food. The Initiative is convened and supported by SWACO.

You can read about the Initiative’s plan to cut food waste in Central Ohio in half by 2030 below.

The InitiativeAction Plan
Food Waste across the United States and the Globe

Understanding Food Waste

Across the nation, researchers and non-governmental organizations are doing more to understand the problem of food waste and begin to take action. Read more about the food waste findings of leading organizations working to understand the problem and map out solutions

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